Whaikaha and NEGL working together for better outcomes for disabled people
Giving disabled people more choice and control over their lives moved a step closer today (Friday 9 February) with the signing of a new formal agreement between Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People and the National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group (NEGL).

Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People was established to work in partnership with the disability community, Māori and Government for a better, more independent future for disabled people and whānau in Aotearoa, New Zealand and to transform the disability support system in line with the Enabling Good Lives approach.
The Enabling Good Lives approach gives disabled people greater influence over their own lives and the supports they receive.
Whaikaha Chief Executive Paula Tesoriero says formalising an agreement with the National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group sets the foundation for a lasting and meaningful relationship as Whaikaha begins to transform the disability support system.
“Whaikaha is delighted to be signing this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group - the kaitiaki (guardians) of the EGL approach, vision and principles. This group is an important partner for Whaikaha as we work towards improving outcomes for disabled people, tāngata whaikaha Māori and their whānau.”
It is among the first of the agreements between Whaikaha and disabled community networks and demonstrates just one of the many ways we partner with disabled people and tāngata whaikaha Māori.”
National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group chair Jade Farrar says the group has focused on partnering for tangible, positive change since its formation in 2013 and is pleased to formalise a collaborative approach with Whaikaha.
“The Enabling Good Lives approach was developed by leaders in the disabled community, endorsed by successive governments, successfully demonstrated over the last decade and now NEGL seeks to further realise the Enabling Good Lives approach by working in partnership with Whaikaha in a transparent and mutually beneficial way.
“This MoU indicates progress, is a way to establish clarity and assist EGL leaders and officials to explore common objectives and shared strategies. At this time of positive change, NEGL celebrates this MoU as an indicator of greater influence for disabled people and families and a good example of a way to work better together,” Jade says.
Whaikaha and NEGL will work together on expanding the Enabling Good Lives-based regional leadership networks and assisting service providers to understand the approach.
In addition, the National Enabling Good Lives Leadership Group will work with Whaikaha to ensure key projects and priorities are aligned with the EGL approach.
The group will also support Whaikaha in work with other government agencies to steward change across the public service.
Download the Memorandum of Understanding between Whaikaha and NEGL Leadership Group (DOCX 885KB)
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