You're invited to coffee with Whaikaha Chief Executive Paula Tesoriero in Auckland

We’re inviting the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Community to meet and have a kōrero (chat) and a kapu kawhe (coffee) with Whaikaha Chief Executive Paula Tesoriero MNZM on:

UPDATE: 21 March - This event is now full and registrations have closed.

Wednesday 22 March in the Lynfield Room at the Fickling Convention Centre, 546 Mount Albert Road, Three Kings, anytime between 11am to 12pm for morning tea.

We're grateful to the Disabled Persons Assembly external URL for their help in facilitating these events.

NZSL interpreters will be at the event.

This is a chance for people to raise any pātai (questions) or just to meet Paula kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face). If you have any questions for Paula, you are welcome to comment below or email them to us in advance at

Learn about other upcoming Whaikaha community events