How to improve access to buildings
The Building Act
The Building Act 2004 external URL says that disabled people must be able to 'carry out normal activities and processes' in a building that is available to the public.
There are a number of ways to ensure this happens and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has more information about it on their website.
For specific advice on making buildings and public places accessible for disabled people, download the New Zealand Standard NZS 4121: 2001 – Design for access and mobility – buildings and associated facilities. external URL
Barrier Free Trust
The Barrier Free Trust New Zealand external URL encourages, promotes and facilitates the creation of built environments that are accessible and usable by everyone in the community including disabled people. This is based on the concept of universal design.
The Barrier Free New Zealand Trust provides an informative accessibility helpline on access requirements.
Marae accessibility toolkit - Te Whakaaheitanga Marae Kua Watea te Huarahi
The Marae accessibility toolkit is designed to enable kaumātua and whānau with health and disability impairments to actively engage at marae and remain effective contributors to their marae.
It provides checklist areas of what facilities are required under the Building Act when building renovations or new buildings are planned.
Go to the Community Matters website external URL to download the Marae accessibility toolkit.