Join our Nominations Database

The Government wants to increase the membership diversity of governance and advisory groups. As part of Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People's role to help facilitate effective working relationships between disabled people, the disability sector and government agencies, this nominations database is set up to further this aim.

It is important for disabled people to be represented on governance and advisory groups, including State sector boards and committees, to provide a disability perspective.

Boards work best when there is diversity of skills, expertise, backgrounds, perspectives and ways of thinking around the table.

Whaikaha is often asked by appointing agencies to nominate disabled people for governance and advisory positions, as part of its work in the sector and has set up this Expressions of Interest Database to gather information to identify possible suitable candidates.

We have a survey below to collect Expressions of Interest from disabled people with relevant skills and experience, who want to be considered for nominations for governance and advisory positions on state sector boards and committees.

This is an opportunity to increase the representation of disabled people on state sector boards and committees, to better reflect the diversity of Aotearoa New Zealand.


Introduction to the Expressions of Interest Survey for the Nominations Database - in NZSL on Youtube


Important information about the survey

Before you complete the Survey, please note:

  • This survey has been developed in consultation with the Disabled People’s Organisations (DPO) Coalition.
  • This survey does not guarantee a governance or advisory position automatically.  This is the first step to gaining a position.
  • The information you provide us will only be used for nominations to boards and committees, in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982.
  • The personal information will be stored in accordance with the Survey Monkey Privacy Policy  external URL , and the Privacy Act 1993 external URL
  • There are 25 questions to complete. The time it takes to complete this survey will be different for everyone, depending on the level of support required, it should take between 20 and 90 minutes.
  • Please note that the SurveyMonkey website will only allow you to save the survey once. Contact if you need assistance.


Important information about the Expressions of Interest Survey for the ODI's Nominations Database - in NZSL on Youtube


Complete the survey to join the Nominations Database

Complete the survey to express interest in the nominations database. external URL

If you have any questions not covered on this page, please email

Glossary of terms used in the survey

  • Appointing agency means the agency requesting nominations from Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People for governance or advisory positions.
  • Applicant means the disabled person wanting to be nominated for governance and/or advisory positions. See above for more detail about who can complete this survey.
  • Expression of Interest (EOI) is this survey, where a disabled person with governance experience indicates they are interested in being nominated for governance or advisory positions and gives information for this purpose.
  • Governance positions are positions on state sector boards and committees, where you give help to govern. For example, being a member on a board.
  • Advisory positions are positions on state sector boards and committees, where you give your advice. For example, being on a working group or an advisory group. Click here to view a list of state sector boards and committees.
  • Nominations Database is a place where information about applicants could be stored, that has a way of searching on required criteria for the purpose of nominating suitable applicants for governance and advisory positions.
  • Nominations Service means the process of recommending people to appointing agenc(ies), for the purpose of that agency improving the diversity of their governance and advisory boards, committees and groups.


Expressions of Interest Survey for the ODI Nominations Database: Glossary of Terms in NZSL on Youtube


Privacy Policy

We are committed to making sure that your privacy is protected.  This Privacy Policy includes information about the way we collect, use and disclose the information you give us.  We will tell you if we change this Privacy Policy.

Your responsibilities

 By filling out this Expressions of Interest (EOI) survey, you must make sure that the information you provide:

  • Is genuine;

  • Is not misleading or deceptive;

  • Complies with all laws;

  • Does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person;

  • Is not defamatory, obscene or otherwise inappropriate; and

  • Does not adversely affect the goodwill and reputation of Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People or any other member.

Your responsibilities in NZSL external URL

Information we will collect and manage

 This includes:

  •  The information you will provide to us in this survey,
  • Any subsequent information you provide by or to the Office. E.g. email communications.

By filling out this survey, you agree not to use it to harass, abuse or defame any person or group, or for any other unlawful purpose.

Like most commercial websites, Survey Monkey uses “cookies” so you can get information that is personalised for you.  Cookies are small data files that track your movement through different websites.  You can read Survey Monkey’s policy on using cookies on their website external URL .

Information we collect in NZSL external URL  

How we use your information

Your information may be used to:

  • Consider you for nominations to governance or advisory positions,
  • Reply to you,
  • Process your EOI survey,
  • Give you information about our nominations service and this EOI survey,
  • Comply with relevant laws and regulations (e.g. the Official Information Act 1982), and
  • Any other purpose that we get your permission for. 

How we use your information in NZSL external URL

Who your information will be shared with

Your information will be held by us, Whaikaha.  If we have your permission, we will share your information with other agencies for the purpose of nominating you for governance and advisory positions.  In question 1 of this survey, you can give us permission to share your information with other agencies without asking you first.

Once your information has been shared with the appointing agency, it is their responsibility to hold your information and protect it according to the Privacy Act 1993. external URL

Who your information will be shared in NZSL. external URL

Where your information will be stored

Your information will be collected and stored online with Survey Monkey.  Information stored online with Survey Monkey will be downloaded every two weeks to our secure document storage system.

Please read the Survey Monkey Privacy Policy external URL for more information.

Where your information will be stored in NZSL. external URL

Viewing and changing information about you

Under the Privacy Act 1993, you have the right to ask for your personal information (i.e. information about yourself).  You can contact Whaikaha at any time to view or change information we hold about you. 

The Privacy Commissioner external URL ’s website has an easy way for you to ask for your personal information from any organisation, business or government agency in New Zealand. Otherwise, you can email

Viewing and Changing video in NZSL. external URL

How long we will hold your information  

We will keep your information only for as long as we need to nominate you for governance and advisory positions and according to the Public Records Act 2005. You can ask us to delete your information by emailing

Hold your information video in NZSL. external URL


This EOI survey is subject to Survey Monkey’s Terms of Use external URL . Information you enter over the internet is never completely secure or private, even when a website is stated as secure. We will do our best to protect your privacy and security, but are unable to accept liability for the unlawful “hacking” of data by unauthorised third parties.

If you would prefer to submit your survey in a hard copy or some other way, please contact Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People.

Security video in NZSL. external URL