Pacific disability support services
Find a range of support, advice and advocacy services. If we are missing a useful service or resource, please contact us.
Faiva Ora leadership group
Faiva Ora are a Pacific community mandated group. Their role enables Pacific peoples with disabilities to advance and champion issues affecting them in New Zealand. The Faiva Ora leadership group external URL meet every quarter to discuss the impact of these issues on disabled communities, their family members and āiga, and provides advice on how to resolve them.
They are the Chief Pacific Advisor to the work of Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People.
Other services, resources and support
- In-Home Disability Care Services at Pacific Homecare external URL : Pacific Homecare take a sensitive cultural approach to their work. They can provide disability care for people of all ages with physical, sensory and/or intellectual impairments who are, or want to live independently in their community.
- Vaka Tautua external URL : A national "by Pacific, for Pacific" health, disability and social services provider in Aotearoa with a strong presence in the Auckland, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago regions.
- Tofa Mamao Collective external URL : A grassroots collective of tagata sa’ilimalo (Pacific disabled people, their families/nofo-a-kainga, and carers/supporters/tautua soifua in Aotearoa). They work to promote the independent voice of tagata sa’ilimalo on regional, national, and international issues.
- Tongan/Tamaki Langafonua Community Centre on Healthpoint external URL : This service is committed to identifying and meeting the needs of the Tamaki community, especially those of Pacific descent. Auckland-based, they provide a residential service to disabled people to live in a supported community environment. To apply for the residential service you need to be referred by a needs assessment service.