Carer support and respite
Who is a Carer?
If someone you love and care for everyday needs additional support to live their everyday lives because of a disability, then we consider you their Carer.
New Zealand Carer Strategy
The New Zealand Carer Strategy, introduced in 2008, is a partnership between the government and the Carers Alliance and is supported by action plans.
Carer Support
Carer Support provides reimbursement of some of the costs of using a support person to care and support a disabled person. This means your Carer can take some time out for themselves.
Respite explained: Options and services
Respite is taking a break from your caring responsibilities. There are a range of respite options and services nationwide and what is available can change based on the region you live in. Find out what's near you.
Individualised Funding
Individualised Funding (IF) is self directed funding from our Ministry where you can purchase your own disability supports. Find out more here.
Purchasing Guidance
Find guidance on how to apply the Purchasing Rules which govern disability funding.