Local Area Coordination
Local Area Coordinators, also known as Community Facilitators, work alongside disabled people and their families/whānau to assist them to live good, everyday lives within welcoming communities, hapū and iwi.
Local Area Coordinators are currently available in the Western and Eastern Bay of Plenty, and are being trialed in Hutt Valley and Southland through Your Way | Kia Roha.
What are Local Area Coordinators?
Local Area Coordinators:
- Support disabled people and their families/whānau and/or family carers to strengthen connections with their communities and receive the support they need.
- Engage with and support communities to become more welcoming and inclusive of disabled people.
Local Area Coordinators do this by:
- Building and maintaining effective relationships with disabled people, their families/whānau and their communities.
- Providing accurate and timely information about local communities, supports and services.
- Working with local communities, hapū and marae to ensure disabled people are included and can contribute to their communities.
- Assisting disabled people and their families/whānau to:
- Clarify their goals, strengths and needs and to plan for a good, everyday life.
- Use local community networks to develop practical solutions to meet their goals and support needs.
- Access supports and services.
There are two levels of support:
- Short-term support: Sharing of information and initial assistance.
- Long-term support: In building networks and planning for a good, everyday life.
Note: Long-term support is for people eligible for Ministry funded Disability Support Services. Please contact a Local Area Coordinator for details.
Who can access Local Area Coordination?
Local Area Coordination is available to people living in the Bay of Plenty, Hutt Valley and Otago/Southland regions.
Contact details
Your Way | Kia Roha (Bay of Plenty and Lakes, Otago/Southland)
- Phone: 0800 758 700
- Email: referrals@yourwaykiaroha.nz
- Website: www.yourwaykiaroha.nz/connections-funding external URL
Your Way | Kia Roha (Hutt Valley)
- Phone: 04 469 3102 or 0800 758 700
- Email: referrals@yourwaykiaroha.nz
- Website: www.yourwaykiaroha.nz/connections-funding external URL